Break The Ice provides one-on-one and group breathwork sessions, both online and in person, in the Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, and Gold Coast regions, including free weekly online introduction sessions and beginner technique tutorial videos.
At Break The Ice, we offer one-on-one and group breathwork sessions both online and in person, serving the Northern Rivers, Byron Bay, and Gold Coast regions. Our services include a free weekly online introduction to breathwork group session and free online beginners’ breathing technique tutorial videos.
Additionally, we are excited to announce the upcoming launch of Cold Exposure Therapy. This therapy is perfect for recovery after exercise, strengthening the immune system and metabolism, and enhancing mood. It is a powerful tool to help individuals break the ice with themselves, reminding them of their true potential by overcoming self-limiting beliefs and living without fear or self-doubt.
Many different techniques are available for us to use. Which ones we use will depend on where you are at the time of our session. The main technique we will use is called conscious connected breathing.
Conscious Connected Breathwork is a circular breath technique. This means that inhalations are immediately followed by exhalations without pause. When maintained for upwards of an hour, Conscious Connected Breathwork brings on non-ordinary states of consciousness and can lead to profound experiences of healing.
No. Breathwork when done correctly should not induce any type of hyperventilation or panic attack.
Hyperventilating is an uncontrolled exhale that causes too much CO2 to be expelled from the body resulting in panic or a sensation of suffocation. Breathwork uses a super-ventilation breath technique which is a relaxed exhalation with a full and complete inhalation that creates a continual and rhythmical breathing pattern that can lead to emotional releases, a mild altered state of consciousness and other therapeutic benefits that support health, healing and wellbeing.
Each Breathwork session can be different and will bring forth whatever your body needs to process in that particular moment. Everyone’s experience is unique to them which could include emotional releases, profound awareness and mental clarity. Some people experience more bodily sensations like tingling, heaviness or spontaneous movements and shaking.
When done in a proper setting with a skilled facilitator all of these experiences are completely safe and usually lead to a sense of relaxation and completeness of whatever surfaced.
Most Breathwork sessions last for around an hour and a half from start to finish which includes a set-up phase for intention and connecting with one’s current physiological state, followed by the connected breathing process and finishing with a time for integrating and processing which may consist of sharing your experience with your facilitator or other people in the group or a meditation.